gue rasa hepi sangat...hehehe...first time blog gue masuk magazine...dah la tu fashion magazine plak tu...kembang gue ader dlm ruangan Klik n Blog di page 132...sajer2 jer hantar url, sekali dapat masuk ruangan tu...hehehehe...InTrend Memang Inspirasi Gaya Hidup dD...

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi wants to read your blogs!

Don’t worry Abdullah Ahmad Badawi…

Bloggers may sound and look like they are your staunch enemies at the moment but some (not me, InsyAllah…) can easily be bought by giving them power and money. Bloggers are humans too and they do have desires like your ‘friends’ in UMNO and Barisan Nasional. :-)

On a heavier note, I think bloggers have to be more careful from today onwards. UMNO and Barisan Nasional are desperate to hang on to their slim support. They can either be nice or plain nasty to bloggers. If we look at their past history, the future doesn’t look good for bloggers.

Bloggers beware!


daniel Danish said...

hek eleh..
x kan dia nak gi semua blog yg ader kat malaysia ni then nak baca satu2...

kata globalisasi, so setiap org ada hak utk bercakap pandangan mereka masing2...x kira la baik ker buruk ker...

kalau yg baik tu jadikanlah teladan yg buruk tu buat sempadan mcm sempadan antara benua2 tu...

yg buruk tu jugak bleh dibetulkan jadi baik...x semua benda buruk x dapat dielokkan (dlm konteks nie la)...

so for bloggers jgn risau k...
ur voice will be listen by all...

Anonymous said...

Emmm..pak lah..pak lah...Apa la nasib Rakyat Malaysia

Anonymous said...

Every person have own opinion and reasons for their actions. For me, BN deserve the punishment because its been years their control the government but produced not so good result. there are still lots of poor population in this country. -FN/BSE-

Rosmiza said...

With 12th election finish, it seem BN has lost the 2/3 majority in parliament. Pak Lah still stand as a PM even lot of Malaysian want him to step down. With weak government, there will be a hard time because of check and balance from the opposition party.

Not only lost 2/3 parliament seat, BN also lost 2 rich state which is Selangor and Penang. There only 35 seat differentiate between BN and opposition coloration. There are some rumors that opposition tries to buy over BN Parliament YB however it has been denied by the opposition leaders.

After this april, Anwar ibrahim will be free to go for politics as candidate. There are two options for him to make his new step in Malaysia politics environment. The first option is to contest as parliament seat and will be new opposition leader in parliament or contest as state seat in Selangor and be its MB.

In politics, anything could happen and Malaysian can give their votes to anybody they like.